Organizational Officers

Administrative Advisor:
Gary A. Thompson (PEN)
NIFA Reps:
Peter J. Johnson

NE 1201 Project Participants and Governance

Program Members: In addition to carrying out the agreed research collaboration, research coordination, information exchange, or advisory activities, project members are responsible for reporting progress, contributing to the ongoing progress of the activity, and communicating their accomplishments to the committee’s members and their respective employing institutions. A complete listing of program members is available here.

The NE1201 Executive Committee is responsible for all strategic, scientific, and management policy decisions for this multi-state initiative, and serve to advise the Administrative Advisor of the program. The Chair of the Executive Committee is responsible for the implementation and facilitation of programmatic goals and will serve as the primary liaison with the USDA, Experiment Station Directors, and external stakeholders. The current members of the NE1201 Executive Committee are:

Ken Olson, KEO consulting, IL

The NE 1201 External Advisory Board consists of public and private stakeholders (regulatory agencies, members of industry, and prominent scientists from related disciplines and Experiment Station Directors), to provide advice on programmatic matters, and ensure that the initiative stays true to its mission. The Chair of the External Advisory Board (Don Lein, Cornell) is also a member of the Executive Committee. A complete listing of NE1201 EAB members is available here.